為了推進(jìn)農業(yè)資源與環(huán)境理論研究和成果推廣應用,促進(jìn)農業(yè)農村綠色高質(zhì)量發(fā)展,中國農學(xué)會(huì )農業(yè)資源與環(huán)境分會(huì )面向委員征集了2023年度代表性論文,現就征集到的部分論文信息分享如下:
論文題目 | 期刊 | 第一作者 | 通訊作者 | 鏈接 |
Spatio-temporal variations of nitrate pollutionof groundwater in theintensive agriculturalregion: hotspots and driving forces | Journal of Hydrology | 朱學(xué)強 | 周建斌 | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.jhydrol.2023.129864 |
Long-term high nitrogen surplus in intensive apple-planting regionsresults in huge legacy nitrogenin thevadosezone: Potential or real risk to the groundwater? | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment | 苗 朋 | 周建斌 | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.agee.2023.108682 |
Reduced phosphorus availability in paddy soilsunderatmospheric CO2 enrichment | Nature Geoscience | Yu Wang, Yuanyuan Huang | Chunwu Zhu | https://doi.org/10.1038/ s41561-022-01105-y |
Higher improvement in soil health by animal-sourcedthan plant-sourced organic materials through optimized substitution | Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment | 石 暢 | 張晴雯 | https://www-sciencedirect -com.ezproxy.morningside. edu/science/article/abs/ pii/S0167880923005340 |
Quantifying and assessing nitrogen sourcesand transport in amegacity water supplywatershed:Insights for effective non-pointsource pollution management withmixSIARandSWAT models | Agricultural Water Management | 郝 卓 | 張晴雯 | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.agwat.2023.108621 |
Straw incorporation induces rice straightheaddisease inAs-contaminated paddy soil | Science of The Total Environment | 劉慶輝 | 姚麗賢 | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.scitotenv.2023.167383 |
The physiological and biochemical responsesto dark pericarpdisease induced byexcess manganese in litchi | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 劉思林 | 姚麗賢 | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.plaphy.2023.108269 |
Organic substitution accumulates more nitrogen in soil whilemaintaining unchangednitrogen use efficiencyin rice‐favabean rotation system | Land Degradation & Developmend | 王攀磊 | 潘艷華 | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ doi/10.1002/ldr.4854 |
Effects of a novel Cd passivation approach on soil Cdavailability,plant uptake, and microbialactivity in weakly alkaline soils | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 李亞平 | 婁燕宏, 諸葛玉平 | https://www.sciencedirect.com// science/article/pii/S092134492 2001094 |
Sustainability of large-scale commercial biogas plants in Nepal | Journal of Cleaner Production | 程世昆 | 程世昆 | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.jclepro.2023.139777 |
What makes residents participate in the rural toilet revolution? | Environmental Science and Ecotechnology | 李 勇 | 程世昆 | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.ese.2023.100343 |
Machine-learning-aided application of high-gravity technology toenhance ammonia recovery of fresh waste leachate | Water Research | 郭少敏 | 李子富 | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.watres.2023.119891 |
Simultaneous recovery of nutrients and waterfrom human urineby a novel thermally activated peroxydisulfateand membrane distillation integrated system | Chemical Engineering Journal | 呂亞萍 | 李子富 | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.cej.2023.141548 |
Extraction optimisation to measure viral abundance in red soils | Biology and Fertility of Soils | 虞森祥 | 葛體達 | https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00374-023-01765-x (Biology and Fertility of Soils,) |
Iron–organic carbon associations stimulate carbon accumulationin paddy soils by decreasingsoil organic carbon priming | Soil Biology and Biochemistry | 段 勛 | 祝貞科 | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.soilbio.2023.108972 Soil Biology and Biochemistry |
Monitoring localized changes in Cr(VI) bioavailability relatedto root-induced changes around rice roots | Rhizosphere | Liu Zhaodong | Li Yan | https://www.sciencedirect.com/ science/article/abs/pii/S2452 219823001477?via%3Dihub |
Effects of different controlled-release fertilizers on wheat-maizeyield, N balance and N loss in huang-huai-hai region of China | Green Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development | Zhang Yingpeng | Li Yan | https://ebooks.iospress.nl/pdf /doi/10.3233/ATDE230353 |
Extreme rainfall reduces one-twelfth of China’s rice yield over the last two decades | Nature food | Jin Fu | Feng Zhou | https://doi.org/10.1038/ s43016-023-00753-6 |
Pursuing zero-grain livestock production in China | One Earth | Wang Yingcheng | Cui Zhenling | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.oneear.2023.10.019 |
Upslope inflow-driven variations in microtopography and size fractions effect on rill erosion in purple soil hillslopes | Journal of Hydrology | 王娜娜 | 鄭子成 | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.jhydrol.2023.129759 |
Multi-attribute parameterization modelling to assess responseof microtopographic variation to rainfall-seepage coupled erosion | Geoderma | 王娜娜 | 鄭子成 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j. geoderma.2023.116704 |
Socioecological Predicament on Global Steeply Sloped Cropland | Earth's Future | Ling Wang | S. Yu, Z. Wang and Z.-H. Shi | https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2022EF003165 |
Cross-timescale interaction of nonstationaryhydrologicalresponses in subtropicalmountainous watersheds | Journal of Hydrology | R. Hao | Z.H. Shi | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.jhydrol.2023.130167 |
Substantial role of check dams in sedimenttrapping and carbonsequestration on theChinese Loess Plateau | Communicaitons Earth & Environment | Nufang Fang, Yi Zeng | Xixi Lu, Zhihua Shi | https://doi.org/10.1038/ s43247-023-00728-2 |
Benefits and limitations of biochar for climate?smart agriculture: a review and case study from China | Biochar | Xiaomeng Bo | Jinyang Wang | https://doi.org/10.1007/ s42773-023-00279-x |
Divergent effects of biocharamendmentand replacingmineralfertilizer with manure on soil respiration in a subtropicaltea plantation | Biochar | Zhaoqiang Han | Jinyang Wang, Jianwen Zou | https://doi.org/10.1007/ s42773-023-00273-3 |
The role of rice cultivation in changes in atmospheric methaneconcentration and the Global Methane Pledge | Global Change Biology | Jinyang Wang | Xiaoyuan Yan, Jianwen Zou | https://doi.org/ 10.1111/gcb.16631 |
Enhanced CO2 uptake is marginally offset byaltered fluxes ofnon-CO2 greenhouse gasesin global forests and grasslands under N deposition | Global Change Biology | Shuqi Xiao | Shuwei Liu | https://doi.org/1 0.1111/gcb.16869 |
Soil enzyme profile analysis for i ndicatingdecomposer micro‐food web | iMeta | Wen Xin, Ning Hu | Wenqing Zhang, Yilai Lou | https://doi.org/ 10.1002/imt2.161 |
Degradation of acetochlor in soil byadding organic fertilizers with different conditioners | Soil and Tillage Research | Jiayin Feng | Jianling Xu | https://www.sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0 167198723000181?via=ihub |
Dynamic simulation analysis of citytail water treatment by constructed wetland with biochar substrate | Environmental Science and PollutionResearch | Hanxi Wang | Jianling Xu | https://link.springer.com/article /10.1007/s11356-023-30002-z |
Potential of optimizing irrigation and fertilization management for sustainable rice production in China | Journal of Cleaner Production | Lianhua Liu | Zhongmin Lian | https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.jclepro.2023.139738 |
Antimony pollution threatens soilsand riverine habitats across China:An analysis of antimony concentrations,changes, and risks | Critical Reviews in Environmental Scienceand Technology | Lianhua Liu, Roberto Xavier Supe Tulcan | Lianhua Liu | https://doi.org/10.1080/ 10643389.2023.2279882 |
廣東省濱海鹽土特征及改良策略 | 廣東農業(yè)科學(xué) | 徐培智 | 解開(kāi)治 | https://doi.org/10.16768/j. issn.1004-874X.2023.02.010 |
山東偏酸性棕壤區小麥鎘低累積品種篩選 | 農業(yè)環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報 | 井永蘋(píng) | 李 彥 | https://www.cnki.net/ |
從大食物觀(guān)看我國未來(lái)糧食安全發(fā)展路徑 | 中國食物與營(yíng)養 | 魯 寧 | 劉榮志 | https://doi.org/10.19870/j. cnki.11-3716/ts.2023.03.004 |
后疫情時(shí)代休閑農業(yè)勢必成為鄉村振興重要引擎 | 農業(yè)展望 | 劉榮志 | 李紅軍 | https://www.cnki.net/ |
農業(yè)學(xué)術(shù)交流現狀分析與促進(jìn)建議 | 學(xué)會(huì ) | 劉榮志 | 劉榮志 | https://www.cnki.net/ |